56 A week working at the Moonstone
hah har, so after i had escaped what Tanith had told me to do...cough...I thought bongo to it all...and all this dangerous adventuring...and spent a week working away at the Moonstone Mask as a....ummm...well hooker. With a charisma of 8 they didnt come to me for arty talk and philosophy i can tell you! infact i didnt make any profit from it...which was a pity...what with my modest lifestyle of wine, smokeweed and roasted carrion corpses and...then one day Grimgnaw showed up! He said he had been adventuring with various adventurers who Aribeth had recruited in desperate attempts to find the Waterthingys and that some of his adventurers had been killed, others forsaken by their gods and dishartened from the task and gone back to former careers or hanging around strange taverns...he thinks a few dropped dead of the plague... Really Grimgnaw? do i look like i give a ...ummm...care in the world? Oh boy he didnt take long to talk me round to...beckoning slaughter...the old charmer!
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