Friday, June 30, 2006

78 The Warehouse

haveing walked the streets it was time to check the warehouse and meet my hero Drawl. but we got jumped by zombies...and Tomi said 'I love this part' ...yeah thats right from 50 yards away as I'm fighting the zombies!!
so we delt with a load of groaners who were suseptable to long range fire from Tomi as they moved so slowly...and anyhow my high armor class/rank was a problem for their wild swings to hit. Then we met a stoned sword-coast boy hah har...joke...stoned!! have to have been there! Well this brute had two fiendish kamas and while he was stoned he was impossible to hurt! gulp...but with my armor class he could hardly hit me...or stand up! hah har! such mirth!... Then his magic wore off and we chopped him up...and ate him...yah well it was hungy work.


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