Tuesday, February 20, 2007

119 Grommin

After that i go dressed and we went exploring to see what was wrong and knowing the area well i took Sharwyn babe, whos a human by the way, along to the front door to meet Grommin. Alas the gods had urinated in my kickers again! Because Grommin the door guard is thick even for a half-orc and wanted to know if we were friends of the master, which of course i was!! Grommin said security had been tightened up since that chick Formosa had been sending in half an army of mercenaries and adventurers though the building looking for waterdavians things and seeking to walk off with bits of the Master! OMG!! the bitch! Grimmo the thicko didnt recognise me and attacked so we soon delt with him, Sharwyn had switched to her double-sword polearm all by herself but like to sing and cast bard magic. Meldo would have to be told that some unscrupulous Formosa thugs had killed poor Grommin as we tried to save him...ahem such fiendish craftyness on my part there!



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