Tuesday, June 27, 2006

35 Back throught the gate to the riot

I went through the Peninsular Gate and on the other side the gate captain Kipp said he wanted to talk to me!...gulp...I guess it was over my rioting and looting...anyway he drones on about Captain Araelf so someone the head jailor who has set them free....what??
Wondeed if he was an evangelist for one of the weird human gods. he was talking about the prisoners....so what! Remission, of course the head jailor lets them go free. Called serving your sentence, buster. honestly, no idea somepeople, back in the pre-dark ages they are! So having got off with a lecture and guarded threats that there was therefore lots of room at the prison I went off and...well ran riot again. We reached the castle like prison barracks gate house thing and were attacked by what must have been prison guards...ahhhh but they were dressed like prisoners....slew the lot of them! haa haa such mayhem would please even Maugrim really, and he likes an elf woman to please him!


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