Wednesday, June 28, 2006

58 Fenton Keg

The head jailor left as we entered and when he had gone the half-orc attatcked us! can you imagine! just goes to show what a bunch of savages they are...and what was the non-orc half? something like rabid-dog i think. Now i was sure i had seen this yob standing around in the traide of blades trying to pass himself of as a henchman. yep...looks like he finally got hired by anyway we beat him to a pulp hah har! Then he says he surrenders and that we did well! hah! the orc savage actually thinks its a sparring match! We could have been killed! urgghh! Rested and looted the room and then went over to him again. He tells us that he is called something like Fenton keg - hah hah what a name! Then Kegi the thicko tells us that he works for the head really...? Grimgnaw must have hit him very hard because now kegi was gibbering about being a King! yeah right orc, and i'm Queen of Neverwinter honey. Talked some rubbish about the guards being made into zombies and...we had had enough of these lies and we battled him again...and i was sure we killed'll see.


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