Friday, June 30, 2006

81 Tactics! yes you'll see...

Soo this next pictue needs some careful explaing to avoid misunderstandings! I'll say it does. ofcourse it looks like i am running away through the warehouse being chased by Drawl....yes well it migh give that impression to the uninitiated but really after the beating the brute gave me, which i quite enjoyed but wanted to survive... i then realised that Tomi needed me and...ummm....and for that matter i needed to change my obviously i had to let Drawl off for the time being with a 'I'll be back' and then ran for it. Try to keep drawl - hah har! Drawl was shouting at me with 'Who are you to come here?' and the revealing 'You can never leave the gang...Gulan will kill you last so you see everything fall' - hah har funny guy. usually stuff for a defeated i find...and this showed that he had infact recruited me as he considered me now one of the gang...being the Sword Coast Boys....and girl. So there we are, the first girl member, yay good for me! kind of glad my new boss was not as quick as i was...


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