Sunday, June 25, 2006

La Natural Morriquendi

One la natural nudist picture of me...thats another hak pack for you and has jiggily milko-chuckers thrown in which is just excellent but only works if your not podgeo.
In picture I am being admired by Parvel as Geldor guy paints me. Notice the Avari body art. Its a classic for any dungeon wall surely! Now going nudo should increase my charisma by at least 10 points! Increases somethings anyway...

Just for note but when I'm wearing the armour I have an armor class of 20 because...I have high dex. The chair shirt allows me 4 +4 of my dex so thats 8 plus the standard 10 (or my natural 15 plus 3 so to speak (15 =4 -1)) to 18, and the Shield gives me +2 to AC making it 20. Thats rather good going and will get better, oh yes it will.
I am a dark elven force to be reckoned with, or have my butt admired...


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