143 Silver Sails infestation
Time do do some adverntureing and looting on my own, which was a dangerous idea as i discovered. I went to the Silver Sails tradeing company in the docks and was best by a host of fire-beatles, which i found easy to kill. There was a big spider too. All went ok until i went upstairs and met the rhino beetle which i ran away from and it chased me to the lower stairs and blocked by exit. So i tried to get back through the door but couldnt even though it was open! eek i was sure i was a gonner...and then i woke up in the Temple of Tear with some priest tending my groin injery? ok. He explained that the stone of recal had a spell on it and it teleports its holders back to be saved. Your spirit or goddesses just have to press respawn. easy! Felt a bit weird and light headed.
Labels: neverwinter, nwn1, silversails
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