144 Garden of the Goddess
So as i explained to the priest who was healing me, and my legs and in between with enthusiasm, nice thing to see these days, one moment i was battleing the snaggleblasted dung-eating rhino-stag beetle vermin pit of the sewers of the accursed goddess-forsaken uhhhh..bad place...yes that it, and then the next moment i had this incredible experience... for i was in this beautiful garden... with all these lights which looked nice and good and so i walked past this waterfall along through the forest and came to this glade. Within this glade was this big big blue Goddess called..of all things...Free Fuck is Good...and she explained that she was the Goddess Invincable. and she was very tall and wore a chain-mail mini with light shining from within unto us. She told me many secret things that i was to bindeth up in a scroll and keep until the timeth cometh for it to be revealed, probably after i died ofcourse, and i felt the place was full of love and acceptance for me. She was the best. So i told this to the priests of helm as they healed me and they were aghast saying oh no not that slag-bitch goddess again! yep.
and they said 'she allways does that with some types the bitch slag' which i didnt think was sutably reverenrent and said i would tell Aribeth of what they were doing unless they repented, so they quickly repented...
and they said 'she allways does that with some types the bitch slag' which i didnt think was sutably reverenrent and said i would tell Aribeth of what they were doing unless they repented, so they quickly repented...
Labels: goddess, goddesses, goddessfreefuckgood, neverwintermod
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