Sunday, February 18, 2007

got preggo

The other reason i took a break from adventuring and let some other mug do Aribeth's dirty work for a time was that i was preggo!! urgh!!! Belly bulge and everything, the indignity of it!! Next thing you know I had three babies all by different fathers....i think only sirens can do that... so as show in the picture there the background Daelen's daughter who is a barberian besearker and uses dual weiled hand-axes...groan! girl does she have a temper! And she likes smashing open chests for fun! then there is Tomi's daughter i had in the foreground...she is a rogue who wants to become an assassin or shadowdancer...or both!! And then there is ahem...bodyknocks daughter...yah well you know how it is all that 'resting in dugeons and things'....and you get lonely and...well anyhow she has become a pale-master!! snaggleblast it there was no stopping her! she even got the skelital killer-arm!! nice girl otherwise (bit pale). seeks to lead an army of undead across the land to ravage and slaughter. sure why not, its good to have a goal in life, or is that in undeath with pale-masters?? she began as an evil wizard.

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