Sunday, June 25, 2006

3 Akeno Cula Ka

The place was a riot! In one corridor there were this gang of goblins lurking around and one of them sees me and says, i'm not joking, "Akeno Cula Ka". I beg your pardon! I'm enough of a drow to know what that means. dont think the surfacer Parvel knew what it ment though, probably just as well. I mean really what type of language is that for a well..even a goblin to call a dark elven woman! I ask you! Found this room and there was a masked mage type hanging around with a few goblins and skeletens. Oh yah seems la 'mask' was after me so all chaos broke loose in battle. Then he pulled out a huge staff...and...I knew what he wanted to do with it...Akeno Cula Ka, yeh...strangley enough though one goblin was hiding against a wall next to the exit until Parvel went over and bashed him!


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