Wednesday, June 28, 2006

59 Cute dogadavian

We went into this big big delicious chamber of horrors. hah har. And what a strange place it was. There were these prison guards in uniform wandering around - seemed normal enough for a milita member to me...and...all chaos broke loose. dont really what to say..ahh well next thing you know there is this cute yepping dog-like thing prancing around. Its tag said it was an intellect devourer...and it was so cute i wanted to take it home with me! Then the dammed thing attacked us! so ummm...we battle it. Just after the picture was made the little cutey attacked at me and Grimgnaw snapped out of his daze and kicked it in the ass - and it yelped! hah har the most hilerious thing ever! I killed a few guards and...I walked from the place to go rest up. Monko followed and said we were in the middle of a battle in the other room with what he thought was a Waterdavian creature! wow small world! So we needed to capture the pesky cute thing and lead it back to Aribeth...that could be difficult!


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