Tuesday, June 27, 2006

38 The Plague Inspection!

So i had to go to the Temple of Tyr and into a backroom to see Oleff again. I had a letter from Domina Ophala. Oleff was there offering quests only to Clerics or Paladins I think as no one else was worthy enough (grief) unless they had high persuasion/Charisma to talk him into it. That counts me out of the running! Same with the Druid at the Oak who really wants a Druid or Ranger to help him out...you can tell. And then El Tooti says bluntly hers is a spellcaster's guild, but a bard should be able to blag them all into it, well, maybe. If you can be bothered. So they are half class-specific quests, nicely done I thought. But then so is the Gauntlet Arena for people like me, ie Fighters and Barberians especially. Ophala's is aimed at Rogues ofcourse. Guess who was in the Temple, standing there being blessed and lapping the attention all up?? none other than Tomi Grin! I ignored him for now and left him to it. In the backroom I gave Oleff the bit of paper from Ophala and...ahhh...he said he would now inspect me for the plague....eekk! Soo I had to reove my armor and stood there butt naked...I'm sure such inspections dont usually take this long...he wasnt so sure in my case and said i needed an intensive examination...gulp...but but the marks are tatoos not plague i protested in vain...boy was Oleff enjoying himself!...it was surely over an hour later....yep..that he gave me a letter for Ophala certifying me plague free! phew finally! so i blackmailed him over it and charged him 500 gold for the service...ahem...and he happily paid...considering what happened like.....hah har what a windfall! Ophala could wait i now had the sewers to search.


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