Sunday, June 25, 2006

6 Blackmailed time..

I knew it was a mistake talking to the elf...ahh well it wasnt really as he leveled me up...oh yes something of a nice tradition they have going on here with new girls havent they? So all alone together in the barn with this elf who uses a crossbow..I mean what self respecting elf uses any ranged weapon but a longbow i ask you? ...or a short bow like me if you dont have a longbow and want to hit a goblin at 100 yards. So elf-with-crosbow says his name is Fenthick - hah har what a name! make that just 'Thicko' i think! He jibbers on about the missing creatures as though anyone actually cared and I told him to go meshhashtoboro Aribeth, which he says he allready has many times. He said he was a desperate man...gulp...and threatened to put my picture up all around the city if I didnt do what he wanted...I told him my picture was allready posted up on billboards selling smoking-weed to help keep away plague flies! He wasnt impressed and said he would throw me in prison unless i did what he wanted...ahhhh gulp...soo he decided to inspect my armor for damage with me not in it.....hah! Oh I suppose so then beats clink of chains ...sometimes at least...and had this picture done to blackmail me with as I pourduchlocate. Then he ukaspslootgegied me! My throat is still sore. He said he would show it to Aribeth who I would have to face and...oh snagleblast it I agreed to look for the runaway dryad-slug and the yunti-bitch and all, which cheered him up no end. Kind of obvious from the picture what he made me do...seems to think cureing the plague is a good idea. Well, cant see it myself - I mean we brought the damned Wailing Death here for a reason! Wailing Mary it was, had to gag her too and rent her out...hah haa such evil villany!


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