Friday, June 30, 2006

91 The Dire Spider

I switched to longbow and i at least avoided a few traps though Grimgnaw walked onto one. Then we met the creature and it was a huge dire spider that made short work of Gimgnaw! It was cacooning him as i ran for my life and it chased after me. Then i used the stone of Recal to escape as a teleport...phew! I was in no hurry to go face the creature again and besides...I didnt feel like it. I would need some time to plot and think of our attack plan...and maybe hire someone else?....and interesting idea. luckly Grimgnaw had been brought to the Temple still with bits of spider web in his teeth..

90 Impregnation of the slave-girl

I made slave-girl lay down on the floor of the crypt and told he that she would entertain me by service with Grimgnaw...and that she was to have Grimgnaw's baby.
she gulped at this prospect, thought about her options and then nodded and said weakly 'yes mistress Morriquendi' I'm sure Aribeth couldnt have done better with her. so...umm....yah well thats it really and we found the way to open the locked door because slave-girl, wipeing away tears of her innocence?? huh?...told us how the door could be opened...which gave us some more exploring to do...and slave-girl who was to wait at the HQ for me as it was far to dangerous for her to tag along...she told us of some adventurers who had been killed by the creature...up ahead...gulp. Thanks for the tip, have a dog snack.

89 Her new goddess!

well who ever she was she knew thatwas the end of the serpent cult in Neverwinter and we beat her into submission. She knelt down in homage to me and i told her that i was her new goddess! 'yes mistress' she said - hah har! delightful stuff. I showed her the pictures me slaughtering her cult and she was impressed and told me that the former leader Jared had been replaced by Gulan who was the new leader. hmmmm interesting. For she said that Jared was more intersted in lining his pockets than causeing true havoc, unlike Gulan who was a right psycho! hah har! Think I like the sound of Gulan! The cultist now slave-girl to me - hah hah - said that i would allready know this if i had actually bothered to read the cult journal i had looted. huh? sarkly little slave bitch! So i booted her one with my kinky black boots of hardiness and she said thankyou..oh yeah she was a right one allright...had to check she wasnt A...ahh nope this ones a red-head. And the crypts were strangely familiar like the cellars of the warehouse! what was going on?

88 the crypts...

We went down into the ....crypts....and found some more serpent cultist up to no good. They had been commiting murders from the look of it! and there were also fire beetles running around the place! So with the last cultist alive there i thought we would have some fun! and why did she remind me in passing of Amanda from...ahhh I have a story too...

87 Cult-Slayer

The culty bitches never had a chance!We chopped them down for combat practice! hah har! I think the female ones took a shine to Grimgnaw somehow...hah har! Then it was time to loot the place. We also met the Serpent Cult leader and he was a strange one standing there hostile and gestureing at us as we battled him...think me might have been trying to cast spells but kept getting interupted by our damage! That seemed to be the end of his little snake cult...and then there was a door down to...the lower level...time to rest and explore.

86 More serpent cultists

So after the second battle with serpent cultists i got Grimgnaqto handle the trap...and he proceed to smash in a door for good measure. We found some some cultists and made short work of them.

85 Summoned Imp

They were falling like flies! speaking of which this Imp was sumoned or came though and joined in..a flying little devil guy. They can be hard to hit but are easily killed if like me you can hit them. hope you like the blow by blow showing off...hah har!

84 More than they bargened for

Then further on there were a heap more cultists performing a ritual which they cancelled because we had turned up uninvited and boy were they pisssed. So into the melee' with some fine sword moves by me...yes we were handling this dangerous situation just fine!

83 Cult of the Snake

There were some cellers and i made level 5 hah har excellent yes! So now i wanted to investigate the sinister Serpent Cult...and we went through the Beggers Nest to to his strange house and were invited in. so far so good then the crazy cultists attacked us we battle them. This is a really good picture of a cultist going flying backwards as i say her! Ka-splato! ofcourse we lootedwhat we could and had to rest infront of the building...meaning there were more to deal with.

82 First Woman leader of Sword Gang!!

I returned to the Temple of Tyr and found Grimgnaw the monk hanging around with nothing much to do except contemplate the Silent Lord. Speaking of which i though we could go on a date! He seemed to relish the idea. soo..I took him for a romantic walk through the beggers nest and then we sneaked into some warehouse for fun and thing you know! could you believe it...but my gang boss Drawl attacked us! hah har...we made short work of what was left of Drawl! so with him dead i assumed leadership of the Sword Coast Boys..and Girl... and became its first ever female leader. hah har! Seemed not to have anything much left to it. But i would have to find Kestral and make him lick my thighs in submission to his new Valsharess hah har! poor guy doesnt know thats commings! Then we found a milita guard in a cell who calld himself Walters and was not exactly the most loyal guy to Drawl i had ever met. I was going to punish him for disloyalty but he had allready left the gang to become a guard for the money...and then there was another door leading another level.

81 Tactics! yes you'll see...

Soo this next pictue needs some careful explaing to avoid misunderstandings! I'll say it does. ofcourse it looks like i am running away through the warehouse being chased by Drawl....yes well it migh give that impression to the uninitiated but really after the beating the brute gave me, which i quite enjoyed but wanted to survive... i then realised that Tomi needed me and...ummm....and for that matter i needed to change my obviously i had to let Drawl off for the time being with a 'I'll be back' and then ran for it. Try to keep drawl - hah har! Drawl was shouting at me with 'Who are you to come here?' and the revealing 'You can never leave the gang...Gulan will kill you last so you see everything fall' - hah har funny guy. usually stuff for a defeated i find...and this showed that he had infact recruited me as he considered me now one of the gang...being the Sword Coast Boys....and girl. So there we are, the first girl member, yay good for me! kind of glad my new boss was not as quick as i was...

80 Tomi runs away again!

so anyway as I valiently and courageously fight Drawl who had by now produced a huge double-ended dire mace..eeekk!well then Tomi Grin ran away not to be seen like after Drawl clobbered him with the dire mace and knocked him flying...I thought Tomi was dead for sure...but i think Aribeth's strange magicks saved him? who knows, but i was not so easily cowed and battle on like a irresistable mighty hero would. well i am you see. so it just comes naturally, never mind the Tomi cowardly thing...

79 Drawl

such hungry work that Tomi needed shown in the previous picture...!! no accounting for some people really..! hah har! And i never even had a breastfeeding permit! hah har! after that we ere attacked by this liche! I wet myself! well i had charged over to battle the hosile who...turned out to be non-other than Drawl himself. So much for joining up! and so much for him being a liche, howerever he looked...because it was all show. Well he did say 'Gulan has made me immortal. do your worst you'll see' which scared me heaps but ahh so we did our worst hah har! Thats me meeting Drawl in the picture...strnge looking guy.

78 The Warehouse

haveing walked the streets it was time to check the warehouse and meet my hero Drawl. but we got jumped by zombies...and Tomi said 'I love this part' ...yeah thats right from 50 yards away as I'm fighting the zombies!!
so we delt with a load of groaners who were suseptable to long range fire from Tomi as they moved so slowly...and anyhow my high armor class/rank was a problem for their wild swings to hit. Then we met a stoned sword-coast boy hah har...joke...stoned!! have to have been there! Well this brute had two fiendish kamas and while he was stoned he was impossible to hurt! gulp...but with my armor class he could hardly hit me...or stand up! hah har! such mirth!... Then his magic wore off and we chopped him up...and ate him...yah well it was hungy work.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

77 Tomi's New Girlfriend

I sold the staff for over 1300 gold to the friendly Priest of Helm and then we went back to the city core to see the Druid at the Oak so that i could buy the kinky boots of hardiness. That wiped away my funds down to 8 gold but i didnt care! They were really neat black kinky boots for equiping (doesnt show on figure). The give a +1 to Constitution which did no good in my case (unless it makes it an even number) but the main thing is, like the monks only boots, they give a +1 armor dodge (ie reliable and doesnt clash). hah har most excellent! That made my armor class 25. That leaves zombies with big problems! Druid mentions the poor creatures at the blacklake zoo but doesnt want me to do anythng about it! so why mention it then crazy druid. Then we went back to the Nest and went and saw the halflings at the wagon...where Tomi and Mattily hit it off rather well! She was all over him while she had a really funny domestic argument with Aldo, the other halfling. So while Tomi was swinging with Mattily.. I knew how these arrangements worked after all...i went and spoke with Aldo and he called me an undead thing...huh he's kind of new to this game...and i told him Hectar was dead killed by he was Hectar's boss. I must have scared him because he ran off and Mattily ran off after him...leaving Tomi behind...oh dear! Well, that was fun...time to go looting Tomi Grin?

76 Temple of Helm

So some more wandering the streets of the Beggers' in the picture where some half-lings are hanging around the streets...and i go in this building to loot and in there is a fella called Jemanie who speaks bout his brother Torin having run off and joined a wierd cult! Tells me where it is located so i can go and join up later and he gies me his brothers wardstone key to the place. thanks buster! Then it is back to the Temple of Helm to sell up and...first to Bertrand who is there and I tell him i found the body of Marcus his brother...he believe me. And i charged him 400 gold for his brothers journal for which he was not please and called me a mercenary. I am. Now i knew his staff would fetch over a 1000 i told him i didnt have anything else for him and he calle me a lier and a dog. huh some charmer he is urgggh.

75 Zombie Central

during our looting spree we me a woman called Holga. She didnt know anything and was staying indoors...Then the next thing we know we had walked into zombie central and were in a battle with heaps of the things and then more came and we slaughtered them too! hah har great fun! We found the body of Marcus who ever he was with some fancy stuff on his body! yipee!! I would soon be getting my druid kinky boots! Then when all seemed quiet Tomi began woohooing and ran towards a wall! I thought he had gone zombie mad! Then he runs round a corner and i follow and wow, like hes found a few zombies to fight....and so i get him to open some chests left so i thought but Tomi Grin seemed more interested in me! ok be quick Tomi i said. I mean we are in a zombie zone at the moment...what a guy!

74 Shining Serpent Inn

Found the Neverwinter Academy gates but they were locked! The place looked diserted. So we made our way to the Shining Serpent Inn which was a dump and full of refugees! Lots of people were there hiding from Drawl's zombie army hah har! The barman had nothing to sell...urrhhh what a dive! Mentions Harben and Drake who ever they are. So I go and find this runty gnome or halfling in a milita guard uniform who wanted to know my name....and he turned out to be Harven Ashensmith, some jumped up self-important nobody, unlike me, and he wasnt really a guard but rather some nut who blags a lot and wears the uniform and considers himself the main guy of the 'need action' tavern patrons group...yawn..offeed to bung me cash if i sorted Drawl's zombie that case..maybe the guy had a valid point to make....then he said i should go see Drake in the backroom...oh yes! sure! so i go into the back room and almost walk into this big guy holding a short-sword!! Just my luck! so I offered him pourduchlocate if he didnt kill me and i pourduchlocated. ahem...then after that he tells me he is called Drake and one of the good guys...uhhhh? says he's a undead hunter and doesnt know where the zombies are comming from and intends to wait for info in a manly way at the inn. YEAH!! fine, me i'm off to slaughter undead...hah!

73 Krestal

well seeing as the place was infested with zombies shambleing around it seemed a good opertunity to go looting the place! And Tomi Grin was handy with pick this should be easy! Went to the Wheelright place and picked up this guy called Hector....yeah i know but he wanted to tag along or something...and need to find his boss. So we made our way along and these zombies appeared and they killed Hector....before we slew them. He should have left the fighting to us. In a building we found a dwarf called Krestal who heaps to say about Drawl and undead and some local street-gang. ahh so evil forces were at work after all! hah har, good one Drawl, let loose the zombies! Kind of though I wanted to meet the guy and join up to add to the mayhem!

72 Zombies

Well all the noises were sure turning me on as i said to Tomi as i watched some hooker being beaten by a gang of the groaners...quite entertaining really ...until Tomi started killing them! Oh wow heroics time was it Tomi? And boy did those guys look like half carved up undead types...ummm..then haveing rescued the woman...ahem...we went to the Universal Temple that had been taken over by Helmites and turned into a temple of helm. In there i sold some loot to the priest and met a guy who called himself Bertrand who said he was watching people fleeing the zombies...Zombies! why didnt someone warn me there were zombies on the loose! They groan a lot and attack people...!!!

71 The Beggers' Nest

With nothing much to do now, it was time to take my date Tomi Grin of too the Beggers' Nest district of the city because there was a great bakery that sold cream buns. Well the area allways was a dumpsite really but it looked like it has been invaded and a battle had be fort there. And there was all this strange groaning going on...oh and some women being raped so we ambled into the place thinking everything was more or less as normal...Got attacked by some lumbering groaing thugs...huh the area was going to the dogs. Got to Sirils Bakery past more of them and...Siril was dead! disaster! not only that but the snaggleblasters had looted the place clean of cream buns! I was livid! so what the snaggle was going on? looted the area a bit...and watched some woman being attacked...

70 The Assassins

ofcourse these mysterious assassins were tracking me! but why? so they would have struck somewhere - it could have been anywhere! Now was not the time to worry about Tomi being equipped with a ranged weapon...gulp...'Thats the one' one of them said so he ment either me or Tomi! hummm and then to my delight we slaughtered the lot of them - hah har! Looting the body of one of these strange guys with strange uniforms...well there was a sinister note. couldnt make head nor tale of it, but it would be best to show it to Aribeth....and so we went back to the Temple and and showed it to her. She was impressed and said show it to her lover Fenthick, who gave me 200 gold for it but Dester the Priest of Helm was not impressed at all and thought i had made it all up! hah as if! The villan, the baddy the ummm...remembeed cutey Dester from the barn - haaa haaa funny guy!

69 - Not what you expect hah har!

Back in the Peninsualar district it was time to see Sedo, the ranger type Captain of the Milita to grub a reward off her...and ahh...she said the area had calmed down! oh no! Well i had done my best to contribute to the riot and general mayhem hah har! Still she was impressed and gave me 300 gold for my trouble! hah the corrupt bitch! love it! then is was looting a few rooms at the prison with Tomi Grin and that done it was time to leave the former riot zone that had mysteriously gone quiet and calm for some reason! Guess the guards had almost restored order while i was busy rioting...and on leaving the prison we were jumped by mysterious baddies! That was scarey!

68 Tomi at the Temple

So after that tradgedy that doomed Neverwinter well it was time to celibrate....I was flush hah haaa!... and I also need to go back over the Prison that i had ruined and loot a few things...i needed Tomi grin for that! Well he was there at the Temple still being blessed...oh grief! So i ditched boyriend Grimo and picked up Tomi...Grimo said he didnt mind as he would go see Shaldrissa again. what? you mean he had been seeing...her...when i was working at the Moonstone? he said he had...I nearly hisssed my self silly! The beast! the animal the the ...ahhh ummm...snaggleblaster! huh as if i even cared what he did in his private time, seeing as he as a slime-pool of the dungeon floor rock-loving err thing! so anyhow i said hi to Tomi Grin who was gibbering about his mother and afterlife experiences! Nevermind i look like a cleric class or druid! I need him to go disarming and looting and lock-busting! So as a pair we left and went back to the diserted prison to loot a few more thing, not that it was really worth it unless your a gold grubber...

67 Back to Aribeth...

so i explained to Grimo that it was time for me to get healed by Aribeth and return the brain to her with the story we had agreed to say...good job he as evil really like me! hah har! So if it was ok with him i would give the Stone of Recal, aka Aribeth's Rock, a rubbing...and wush! next thing you knew we reappeared back at the Temple of Tyr in Neverwinter! saved running through previously explored tunnels rather nicely!Now you would have thought...if a dark elf..that Fenthicko's slug would be distraugt and irate over the deadadavian creature! Just goes to show you how strange the world is...I carried the brain before me parading it as a sign of the dire affliction besetting Neverwinter and got strange looks for doing so...boy was it sloppy and gooey!..nearly dropped it twice...and then we met Aribeth....gasp. She was irate and screemed that..ah..she knew i wouldnt let her down...oh my the poor bitch! She took it badly...and then i told her the sorid tale of how Kenton Feg had killed her precious waterdavian creature and we rushed into the place to try to stop him...and if only...if only we had been given enchanted weapons and armor or the cash to buy such things...then we would have been more efficient and skillful and done job sooner and the cute creatue would still be alive to this day! She didnt take the subtle hint....and i told her how we had battle the dire beast Fenton the bad hald-orc to the pitiful wails and pleas for help from the waterdivianthingy which reached out a forlorn paw to me as if to long...far tried your best was not your fault...and tell Aribeth i still lover her...and...oh Aribeth was in tears by now! So as justly as any noble Paladin would have done ofcourse we slew the maniac beast of the pits Fenton keg the butcher and salvaged what we could of the watersnaggle creature. ahem...pretty good account of thing there by me i thought. Aribeth was impressed and gave me 500 gold for its sloppy brain! wow! Thenshe said i had revovered the first of the reagents for her for the plagure cure.....?? what? no way it was dead see and...oh well...if that is what the crazy elf needs to believe so be it! Best to leave her to her grief and the realisation that Neverwinter was now fated to be doomd...hah har!

66 Head-Jailor's secret dungeon

hah har i was rather glad to still be alive and ran around Aeafin's secret pleasure dungeon - where he must have frought Lady Tangleboork and Fenton at times...and well found these shackles! ho hooo knew them well from the times at the Order of the Long-death and..yeah and everything...oh boy is Grimgnaw one kinky monk! my mind was already recovering and thinking of parading the brain through the streets as testament to Neverwinter's defeat at the hands of the plague and they had better get used to it and everything! hah har! i was triumphant! my mission was a success and Maugrim would use me as a breeder for ummm what ever that invoved...not bad in the circustances...

65 Trying to stand up

luckly grimo let me down and i tried to stand up...which wasnt all that easy...I mean the guy was an animal! like is that any way to take adavantage of your employer when she is de-intelligence-zapped by a monster!...Grimo thought that yes it was!! urrhhh snaggleblast! Ok i'm kind of glad he did and i was even thicko enough at the time to tell him so...sigh.....and some creatures are able to effect stat scores but usually only temp...but some need Aribeth would be a free source of healing when we stopped having fun...oh no! she should drag the sorid story from me i just knew it! and she might stop thinking i might be a lawful good paladin! hah har...

64 going purple!

You have to remember that my intelligence had been zapped by the bless'ed dead-a-davian creature and that...ummm..well oh my...luckily there where no secret bards with painting material nearby employed by the prison hah har!!...ahh think there migh have been really as grimo babe produced this one of me turning purple! I mean what was the beast thinking of?? I could have died and no more adventure for him! urggghhh! snaggleblast the dwarf slime of a tunnel floor yobo! He said it was very erotic...thanks buster! glad you enjoyed it honey! did have a strange effect on me..and after too...but ummm....

63 the hanging

Then Grimo the mad monk said he had this really cool Ordr trick to do to me! wow, i was bursting with excitement as he made me stand on the block..what a fun guy! ummm but strange iwth it as he took and chain and put it round my neck....wierd or what? Well every thing in the kinky dungeon was fine until you know who removed the block from my feet..i mean really, i need the thing to stand on! obviously he hadnt realised...ugggghh boy do i get lumbered with soem right henchmen at times...!!!

62 The Cage

well you must remember that my intellingence had been decreced at the time by Aribeth's Waterdeadadavian and that Gimo was still pissed over being made to walk into the trap..hahhh haaa was funny though...gulp...he didnt thing it was funny snaggleblast him! so he stook my head in this cage thing...oh yeah...and then winched it up...which left me gasping and kicking and i cant see the point to it at all...but he thought that was just the ticket! Good job the place never had bards to paint what happened in case of emergencies! haaa haah

61 Dungeon layed on!

Soo...with a dungeon layed on just begging to be used for its purpose and our reluctance to dash back to Aribeth with her stiffed waterdavaina pet - ahhhh that Fenton had malicously killed until we slew the dasterdly crimanal evil-doing no-good baddy - hah har!...soo the room obviously needed looting..heeheee and there was nothing much there for me though: some types can find a good weapon +1 so its worth doing incase...and us lot do it methodical because we are. One bigo chest ie with some potential loot was there but as we expcet or should do: it was trapped, and...i made Grimo handle it so he walked dover and got blasted...but survived it! so no problemo...ermmmmm boy did he give me a right look! huh! so what i'm ok? (ye magic of it be to click on hencho and find the right disk area and one area gives 'handle trap'). Grimo was not impressed with by gratetous abuse of power...over this...and that for merely a few stars of something...(might depend on random and/or everything else). .me i hought they were very monkish things to find and monko said that was it i had to remove my aromor - the enchatment being still lingering - and he would reward me with Order practice work! ho hooo reward are for me oh yes! so he tied me to the rack...ummm strange reward really...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

60 deadadavian creature...gulp!

Well I told grimgnaw i had needed to use the loo and that was why i had retreated ofcourse...true enough....but like heros we went back in to collect Aribeth's darling waterdavian creature. It had zapped me intelligance temp like if gotz a 'ealer. I just knew I should not have allowed Grimgnaw to pick the cutey up and put it on the rack! urggghhh and snaggleblasted! Next thing you know the waterdavian creature is dead! Splatto. We looked at each other....gulp...Well I said, this was going to take some explaining to Aribeth the Paladin of Tyr you know....infact we were as good as dead, even though we survived and were victorious! like Aribetho was going to fry us and feed us to her other darling watersnaggle- creatures if they were ever found. I picked up the remaining brain of the deadadavian creature and we stood around and rested and i came up with a cunning way to fob off Aribeth. We could blame it on Fenton Keg! hah har and he was dead, oh such feindish and most excellent plots and plans! Still we were in no hurry to go back and see Aribeth.

59 Cute dogadavian

We went into this big big delicious chamber of horrors. hah har. And what a strange place it was. There were these prison guards in uniform wandering around - seemed normal enough for a milita member to me...and...all chaos broke loose. dont really what to say..ahh well next thing you know there is this cute yepping dog-like thing prancing around. Its tag said it was an intellect devourer...and it was so cute i wanted to take it home with me! Then the dammed thing attacked us! so ummm...we battle it. Just after the picture was made the little cutey attacked at me and Grimgnaw snapped out of his daze and kicked it in the ass - and it yelped! hah har the most hilerious thing ever! I killed a few guards and...I walked from the place to go rest up. Monko followed and said we were in the middle of a battle in the other room with what he thought was a Waterdavian creature! wow small world! So we needed to capture the pesky cute thing and lead it back to Aribeth...that could be difficult!

58 Fenton Keg

The head jailor left as we entered and when he had gone the half-orc attatcked us! can you imagine! just goes to show what a bunch of savages they are...and what was the non-orc half? something like rabid-dog i think. Now i was sure i had seen this yob standing around in the traide of blades trying to pass himself of as a henchman. yep...looks like he finally got hired by anyway we beat him to a pulp hah har! Then he says he surrenders and that we did well! hah! the orc savage actually thinks its a sparring match! We could have been killed! urgghh! Rested and looted the room and then went over to him again. He tells us that he is called something like Fenton keg - hah hah what a name! Then Kegi the thicko tells us that he works for the head really...? Grimgnaw must have hit him very hard because now kegi was gibbering about being a King! yeah right orc, and i'm Queen of Neverwinter honey. Talked some rubbish about the guards being made into zombies and...we had had enough of these lies and we battled him again...and i was sure we killed'll see.

57 Return of the Rampage!

I donned my armor and with a click had sword and shield armed (together in a toolbar slot - drag and drop sword first). That was done like a real professional and i felt the old skills return. We went of back to the Peninsular district and into the prison that was strangly abandoned...well almost. In the lower level we found more battle and things to loot...and avoided a sorcerer, he wasnt worth the trouble or risk. Was it my elven hearing that made the images appear through the door? hah har who knows! But there was the Head Jailor with some big half-orc with a huge double-axe...tought I would call in and say hi as i was intreagued by this corrupt and evil headjailor and maybe he needed me for something?

56 A week working at the Moonstone

hah har, so after i had escaped what Tanith had told me to do...cough...I thought bongo to it all...and all this dangerous adventuring...and spent a week working away at the Moonstone Mask as a....ummm...well hooker. With a charisma of 8 they didnt come to me for arty talk and philosophy i can tell you! infact i didnt make any profit from it...which was a pity...what with my modest lifestyle of wine, smokeweed and roasted carrion corpses and...then one day Grimgnaw showed up! He said he had been adventuring with various adventurers who Aribeth had recruited in desperate attempts to find the Waterthingys and that some of his adventurers had been killed, others forsaken by their gods and dishartened from the task and gone back to former careers or hanging around strange taverns...he thinks a few dropped dead of the plague... Really Grimgnaw? do i look like i give a in the world? Oh boy he didnt take long to talk me round to...beckoning slaughter...the old charmer!

55 the spinning dire enchantment

Tanith told me my task and off i went back to the back room to find the one called Shaldrissa...ugh...i had to lick...her...buttocks...hah as if!.I mean..i just walked from Taniths room right away and made my way to the backroom. He could go stuff Aribeth for all i cared i thought as i walked over to Shaldrissa and...ummm...strange magic afoot thats for sure. Like as if i dont think i did and you cant say i went anywhere near her...nope completly deniable hogwash and ermmmmm....Tanith can paint snaggleblast it! big deal! As if he would bother painting anything!

54 Slave-girl of Neverwinter...almost

The head of the statue had vanished again! Surely it was a sign from the Goddess and it was! I knew her magic well.
Tanith said i was at home on the floor and..I sat down....ther in front of him saying i was partly bound to obey. Tanith wooked at me and enquired with his rich flowing and magical voice about my Goddess and her magical enchantments...I must answer this i told him....ughhhhhgggghhh!....meek as a lamb I explained this dire nymph enchantment turned as day to night and the moon in the sky. For when a dark elven woman envokes this power it is fleeting and turns back on us...gulp...and the former slave is master and the former mistress is slave. Thats a switch-bitch like Rampthuhahh for you! Tanith understood. oh dear! He said he had a task for me...oh boy..i nodded and smiled pleasently...urrgggghh! Snaggleblast it! confounded enchantments!

53 partly worn of...Tanith

Time flies when you are having fun! The easy way to gesture is to put an emote in a toolbar, so the magic runes say...ummm gods' stuff or something, maybe a dragon would know? Still the magic of Rampthuhahh is what it is and...part of the enchantment had worn off after my wanton orgy in her honor....well, Tanith was back to normal...almost. I called him my plaything again...but now he answered! He stood there all masterful, in his pink thong...swoon, and said that I was more at home on a tavern floor! hah har! Now you're talking baby!...seems he had me sussed, must have a high wisdom or something....I shivered and knew he was a man, a man i had to obey...gulp...

52 the strange enchantment

so it was meshhashtoboroing and pourduchlocateing all round hah har! Not the easiest things to get a picture of but we managed it after a few attempts. phew..!! They didnt seem to understand my dark tongue! hahhar they soon would! Frankly if was much more fun than even a Cult meeting, which i havent been to for sometime...hmm not that it matters! Anyway Neverwinter was going to be renovated into a tropical paradise...oops shouldnt have said that really...hope Tanith keeps stummo and doesnt blab...gulp...

51 Wild

well after that Tanith had no option but to obey my enchantments that were worthy of a group of Nymphs, hah har the poor slave! well probably a rich one at their prices. This allowed my creativiy to run rampant if by magic i got Grimgnaw to paint a heap of pictures so i can only show some of them. are some of our pictures that you just dont usually see in Neverwinter! hah har! That is until i opened my underground porn-parlor...somewhere in the city...hah har yes! you could be forgiven for thinking i gave a snaggle or two about Aribeths mission - hahaar couldnt be further from the truth of it! To hell with Nevewinter yesssssssss! so anyhow, here is Tanith getting aquainted with Grimgnaw ignores us and gazes upon the Goddess.

50 Divine Intervetion of the gods!

apart from showing off my magical tatoos the gods must have been impressed with my dancing and enchanted the area! yay good for me. Ah that means normal Neverwinter was placed beyond the enchantment ofcourse. Curiously, you can choose a diety if you know one to list but i dont think it has any effect in Neverwinter. Mind you, the gods did get in trouble that time with the Time of Troubles when they ran amok across the story goes...and as for the legends of what happened to Rampthuhahh the Wanton goddess...sigh...they are far too obscence and depraved to speak of but in a whisper and then at night...and in a backroom or celler or even better a dungeon...i'm sure some of the stories are made up you know, like by people in prison...but ahh some are just soo kinky and far out as they must be of divine origin as no mortal would have thought of it...!!! So grimgnaw was reluctantly impressed with my piety and painted a picture of me being blessed and enchanted.

49 The Wanton Goddess

I was magically drawn to the idol of the goddess and it was like a Temple to the Wanton Goddess! hah har yes! The curious thing about her statue wsa that its head kept vanishing and reapearing, which was pretty miraculous i thought and a sure sign of the gods favor! she also has huge milk-chuckers for that matter! i bet she could hurl milk some distance that one! I did a bizzar and kind of wierd tribal dance of the elves of darkness naked before her image...and cheered in extatic rapture. Grimo stood around ignoreing me. Sune only knows what Tanith was thinking! Ofcourse not everyone would think Sune is evil, but ahh well Pampthuhahh is so wanton as to be an evil, if local spirit, form of least to us to whom the revelation was given, for we are the delighted in the glorious and wild...ahh yes getting carried away again...

48 Parlor of Sune

So we went to the last room and in there was a guy called Tanith who catered to the females. I got a picture of the room. There is as in all of them a big red bed and red wine carpet and drapes and the pool and statue!. Just goregous! This was more like it me thinks. The Statue would have been of the Goddess Sune the goddess of pleasures and lust and well, rather like the unheard of clan dark elven Rampthuhahh the Slut-Wanton, to whom I sold my body....Well that was all hunky dory as i ran around naked. now i needed some inspiration and insight somehow...grimgnaw took it all in his stride

47 Luce

It was time for me to take of my armor and go exploreing the other area...which had a corridor and rooms off it.Ah yes the real buisneness end of the brothel! hoo hoo this could be depraved, lewid and debauched!...with luck...and a blessing of Sune (the slut goddess) of the surfacers. In a room i met Luce dressed in finery in an exotic room. She thought i was a lesbian and said i should see some guy called Tanith the big sweety. urghh....I might have been there for ahhh Grimgnaw to give her a go and...then again i dont think she catered for his tastes as I do...I told her i worked here, hah har...would given a chance! In another room was a madam halfling who said i wasnt her type...she wasnt mine either! I think its worth getting the key just to see the rooms myself.

46 vandalised and looted!

I wondered what my companion Grimgnaw was up to? and the thought made me shudder... so i went looking for him and found him having fun with yet Another elf at the far end of the room. I pretended to ignore him while he had his fun and i put my amor back on as I decided it was time to loot the place to show this lot a thing or two...and just incase they turned hostile or monko went on a killing spree...rather unlikely ofcourse (its not Baldar's Gate!). So finding two doors locked monko smashed them in and we looted them - hah haa! I felt much better, though from the look of Grim's lady elf friend she was being sick i think from what he had been doing to her..! Going green in the pictue anyway..but luckly this was not all there was to the back rooms as there was the door leading upwards to more....

45 Shaldrissa again!

Then at one end (as seen in the former picture) were some humans spending time together and oogling so i went over. And who should the woman be! no not Amanda, was Shaldrissa again who had been luring outside the place at the corner, only now she was naked and talking to some sinister type. Well her customer called me a naked imp!...ah I mean...imp! Is that like a nymph as i am part nymph by the way...and part dryad but more nymph and part siren....did i say siren i ment...ahhh ummmm and part elf types too. yes thats it. Shaldrissa was all excited as it was so much more fun than Port Last, wherever that was... but then she got all hysteical and thought i had the plague and told me to scram. huh! felt like bashing the lot of them. I decided not to warn Shaldrissa about her 'companion' hah har..she would find out soon enough! hee hee.

44 Moonstone Backrooms!

At the Moonstone Mask I went to Ophala (as if you could miss her) and handed her the letter of inspection that Oleff had given me. Ophala read the thing and said it was ok and she gave me a key to the backrooms hah har! She said tokens could be bought from Torgo for 200 gold (wow!) and they were used for payment...!! whatever, so i went up the stairs and let myself into the infamous backrooms of the establishment. I took off my armor to run around naked a bit. The elf woman in the picture looking haggered said i was a bit eager..! hah the nerve! She was standing around drinking and throwing tantrums and talking which seemed to be all this lot ever did! Companionship they called it...mighty boreing as no one was being whipped! groan....

43 Mugger

Back at the Temple of Tyr I sold the loot to Aribeth who might give me a good deal anyway and then it was time for some rest and relaxation from all the battle. Well almost. We took a wrong turn somewhere and decided to go into this was some commoners home and I mugged this red head in green who I think was really a gypsey. nevermind all that'its our home' rubbish, it doesnt have wheels. Grimgnaw tried his hand at art and did a good job with the picture i think! Then we checked the map and mad our way to the Moonstone Mask and Ophala...hah haa muggers had struck in the city core of Neverwinter City! but...why did she remind me of Amanda from my time at the Order?...nope it was not her...sigh...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

42 The Pits

There was this sorcerer in the prison and well, I wet myself! A certain monk was crazy enough to run in there! I switched to my bow for ranged attack so i could run for it and as the sorcerer hurled fire balls at me i did! ahh but we returned rested up and i let monko deal with it and then moved in to see and fired some arrows. Well, say what you want but we both survived and that sorcerer had killed a few adventurers before we turned up! The trick is to run away after the first fireball hits and go and recuperate! so with the mad mage dead we smashed up the control room and looted it. And we went down to the next level being the pits area...with more battle and looting. walked right into some stunn trap somewhere not that it mattered as no-one was attacking us and our health was strong. As for the loot, well i'm not a pack horse as i say being fiesty. Monko got affectionate after smashing up some chests, as in the picture. Guess we were battle weary. I fuond some banded mail somewhere...i couldnt walk at normal speed...dont know it that was the extra weight of the suit of banded i was carrying or from the affection i had recieved hah har! Well the way round this was to teleport-magic with the great Stone of Aribeth..and crawl over to her...