Monday, June 26, 2006

13 The Strange Temple

So now what? I was in a Strange Temple. Decided to flog well sell the looted...ah loot I had salvaged from the now defunct and ruined academy and offload it all on Aribeth la Tillmorand who was Lord-Valshar Nasher's right hand's play thing or something. She fenced the gear all right ho hoo some paladin she was! She didnt ask any questions about where the books and jewewlery came from, phew. RamtHurAhh the goddess has licked my legs or as the sufacers seem to think 'smiled upon me' ahhh yeah. still it was not enough to get an amulet I was lusting after...ughh! Snaggleblast it! I hadnt the strength to shift the heavy armor from the acado being a wimpy fem and elf too so i was unable to sell that. A quick check of the Temple led me to a back room with a guy in there called Judge Oleff who told me not to be disrescpectful and domme with him. Wondered if he had any kit to sell but he said Lady Aribeth was selling the temple horde off. Asking the 'master dom' Leff about his wierd maimed god he said no he was not about to tell a dark elf bitch anything she could laught at. He said he had a vital and important mission but there was just no way he would let me know what it was and feared what I would do if let in on the secret. So when his back was turned I looted his chamber but was not selling it to aribeth as the elf-slug was unfavourable in our transactions.


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