8 Slaughter
Went through and back to my old meshhashtoboro room at the acado past the slaughtered staff. Guess I will have to return to my digs in the Blacklake district...well ok the servents quarter but i got a place near the aristo's gate...yay that took a pourduchlocate or two but what the snaggle. Well anyway as i rested and lounged around the ruined acado ...oh did i mention Masterful Hebron i'm well into Dom-Sub kink and need to train maggots to survive...yah him..nearly tripped over this blasted corpse in the training hall...seems he got stiffed by some wimpy goblin...haaaaaaaah! never laughted so much I leaked like mad. hay dead dwarf chap, now would be a good time to teach you how to fight goblins with your weapons for sale...like huh? anyway...like my new shield?
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