Monday, June 26, 2006

14 Tomi Grin 'the hanged'

ah displaying the pictures, or even new post requires a view image, and a REFRESH! but then if you havent refreshed you might not beable to read this advice...ughh! so anyway I met this tiny hobbit or halfling creature lurking around Tyr's Temple who was offering me a good henching, whatever that means in halfling speach. Well i had nothing much to do really so...i went over and talked to the guy. Says his name is Tomi Grin 'the hanged'. Great name! I kind of shinned to the guy. He says that I am after his heart...must confess that was not the bit I was thinking of really. Then he tells me about why he had to flee Calisham because of the Caliph's daughter who was set to marry the Pasha's son if she was still a virgin...but she met Tomi Grin. He said I could hire him! oh boy ...says he will help me on my mission...I fell for it. I blabbed about the missing creatures for Aribeth so she could have fun and think that fun would cure the plague! Tomi Grin was impressed, having thought I was merely there to slay surfacers and we cut a deal for 225 gold. Think the halfling thief might come in useful for what I have in mind....hee hee


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