Tuesday, June 27, 2006

39 Vandals at the Prison

you do it your way and i'll do it mine! thats my motto, oh yes! So I took the Monk for a nice stroll on our date through the peninsular district to the sewers hah har! Arriveing at the entrances I suggested maybe we should sneak inside...and he fell for it! Ofcourse when we entered there was a mob of escapees and another half-uthgardt murderer 'Gang-Leader' - oh really! now my combat stratergy was...let Monko dash forward and get the flak as he did, and then I went roung the back and attacked the escapees first. Worked just grate and soon we had the half-uthgardt savage to ourselves and I gave him the fatal blow too! yay good for me! Grimgnaw had taken a right beating and we had to rest and he wanted me to heal him really but i had no such skill...gave it a go. As if that needed so much rubbing better? Looting the remains I found the prison key! This let us in through the front door where monko killed Dhanis the Thug and we smashed up a table and a few doors in wanton vandalism and looting! Then I got grimgnaw monko to smash in the door to the study which led to the Tanglebrook tunnels! amazing. Then stratergy came into it with my intelligence of 12 (+1) and we did the south of the complex before leaving to rest outside the prison so we could continue the mayhem. Nice picture of Grimgnaw vandalising the prison furniture.


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