Monday, June 26, 2006

15 The Milita meets the damsel

So here is a close up picture of me in Tyr's Temple, not that it looks like a temple to a dark elf but no mater. That shield is really good as it is almost as tall as i am..cant hit me!...i hope...gulp... still speaking of Aribeth's Temple in the city of Neverwinter there were more of those brazen harlots wandering around tending to the urges of these guys on full view! 'One kept saying 'let me ease your suffering' to like these men..o wow what a rampant hooker she was! So as new The Dark Elf Milita left the was a milita of me and Tomi Grin the hanged but was a good start...and I made tomi grin use his short bow not that he equiped it just yet the insubordinate skinny-dwarf slime of the spider pool that he was. Then this crazy woman called Bethany came up blabbering a way and I asked her why she was bothering me and she had some sob story of prisoners in the peninsular district running around rioting. Good for them...might go there and join in the fun. She couldnt get into her house for a month because of the rioting, which showed, yuk. the little cow wouldnt pay me to help her so I told her i was not going to help her at all. boo hoo! honestly some snaggleblasting damsel tramp trash if ever there was.


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