18 Strange City
Next stop the huge Cloak Tower where there was this suckup human who called herself Eltoora Sarptyl! hah har what a name! I have a picture here of our meeting. She tells me its a spellcasters guild and i wouldnt be interested. Still she had heard of me...gulp...as one of the students under Aribeth...oh wow news spreads fast. So i guess Aribetho likes to be on top..hmmm thought so. Eltooti had some curious cloaks at extortionate price beyond my present budget. Just not enough good stuff to loot really. Then round the back of the building i met Phoebe the dosser who was camping in the street with some feller... I mean how do they get away with it? Phoebe the tramp said she wanted to return home to The Beggers Nest district...cant see why with a name like that. Well I want a million in gold baby. She asked me not to hurt her...had to think about that one. Then she told me her hilerious story of her being chased from her home by zombies! hah har good story Phoebe! Do I look like I was born under a mushroom?
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