Monday, June 26, 2006

19 Durga's Dog and the backroom

So just down form the elevated plaza I went to a weapons shop to see what there was. Well next to the door was some barking dog soo...we killed it. umm..think it might have been a guard dog..and we have a picture of it.
Now inside we met a huge half-orc, if that is what he is, called Durga and I asked him about premium equipment. He tells me that he likes me...yeh sure Durga baby, I kinda like hunky him too. So next thing you know he's giving me a wardstone as a sign of his love and tells me to go see Marrok the back room. Oh yeh! I know whats comming here matey! He tells me Marrok will 'take care of me'...hahaaa thats one word for it Durga! Any way Durga the hunk let me look at his equipment and was the first favourable merchant I have met in this city, so I like him even sorry I killed your dog, durga'


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