Monday, June 26, 2006

21 To the Mercenary Traide

Still setting the scene. Anyhow, after we left Durga's shop it was time to visit the Triade of Blaides mercenary guild place. Just at the side of the building (which is the lower right inthe picture) there was this heap of corpses and some Neverwinter Milita guard with a torch setting fire to plague victims! watched the show and then went inside where I met Graxx, a dwarf mercenary who sold me a Gauntlet challenge pass for 50 gold. He said i looked like i knew my way around a weapon and that i would find the Gauntlet Arena at the Board Laid Bare tavern in the Blacklake district. Know the area well. No problemo Graxx honey, i will et round to visiting it sometime in the future. The place was busy in the main room.


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